Posts tagged healthy gut
Perspectives on BRCA2: Tayler LaBellarte on Pre-viving and Empowering Others to Take Charge of Their Health and Wellness

Tayler LaBellarte is a member of the Orangetheory team and an advocate for previvors who are taking charge of their health and wellness. LaBellarte's journey with pre-viving began when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer while LaBellarte was in college. This experience motivated her to learn as much as she could about breast cancer and its relationship to other cancers. After some navigation with her insurance, LaBellarte eventually underwent genetic testing and learned that she carried the BRCA2 genetic mutation, which puts her at an increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer. LaBellarte has since become an advocate for genetic testing and reviving by sharing her story and helping others to take control of their own health. Read on for more information about LaBellarte’s experience getting insurance to cover genetic testing, the options available to her at that time, and the emotional journey afterward…

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Finding Balance with Nutritionist Elissa Goodman

Like many of us, Elissa Goodman began her career working long hours at a stressful job fueled by an excess of caffeine. Then her world was turned upside down. She felt a lump, and, after several specialists visits, a doctor diagnosed Elissa with early-stage Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She was only 32. As a component of her long path of healing, Elissa turned to holistic nutrition and nourishment in concert with medical treatment. That was more than twenty years ago…

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How to Order Healthily at Restaurants

Contrary to what some of my clients might assume, I love going out to eat at restaurants! I love the atmosphere, the wide variety of foods on the menu, the memories made with loved ones, and the convenience of not having to cook at home. But as we all know, restaurant meals are often significantly less healthy than those prepared in your own kitchen. Restaurant foods typically have more salt, oil, saturated fat, sugar, and calories than homemade versions of the same foods. And it’s not only the nutrient content of restaurant food that’s a concern. Most restaurants serve genetically modified foods among other not-so-ideal factors…

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10 Healthy Foods to Incorporate into your Diet Now According to a Holistic Nutritionist

If we were stranded on a desert island and only had access to ten essential foods to optimize our wellness, what would they be? Which foods would not only keep us alive but also help us avoid illness and make it easier to recover from injury, ensuring that we’re thriving when the rescue boat arrives? We asked veteran dietician, Lana Scales, MS, RD, CNSC, ACSM, EP-C to help us curate a list of the foods that make us thrive, whether we’re stuck on an island or, say, trying to stay healthy through a global pandemic….

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Gut Health 101 with Holistic Nutritionist Elissa Goodman

As a holistic nutritionist, it’s my passion to help others embrace a healthy lifestyle that allows them to live wholly. This is in part because I know what it’s like to live life feeling, well, less than your best. Although today I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been, it took years of nourishment, love, and some hard work to get here….

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