Posts tagged Health
Writer, Sara Martinez on Previval, Braving BRCA and Her Experience Receiving a Preventive Double Mastectomy

In this interview, we delve into writer Sara Altschule's deeply personal journey as a previvor who initially discovered her BRCA gene mutation through a 23andMe test. Sara's story highlights the critical need for open conversations about genetic mutations, access to support, and the formidable challenges of navigating insurance coverage…

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Insights into Inherited Gene Mutations & Cancer Risk: In Conversation with Genetic Counselor, Angela Arnold Ross

In our interview with Angela Arnold Ross, MS, LCGC, Genetic Counselor, we dive deep into the world of inherited gene mutations and their impact on cancer risk. With her extensive experience and expertise, Angela provides valuable insights into genetic testing and counseling, available treatment options, and essential resources for patients and their families…

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Connecting the Dots: The Gut Microbiome and Disease

When you sit down to eat a meal, you may think you are only nourishing yourself. Guess again! Within your body, a vast microscopic ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses inhabit your gut. Collectively, these microorganisms and their genes make up your microbiome. With over 100 trillion microbes and a thousand different species, many of my clients are surprised to learn that their guts contain more bacterial genes than human genes. This means that you are a superorganism! In fact, your unique microbiome consists of millions of genes that encode proteins that influence many bodily functions, including digestion, immunity, hormone balance, vitamin production, and detoxification….

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The SEAM Guide to Contraception: A Comprehensive List of Your Options and Everything You Need to Know

In the United States, 99 percent of women who have been sexually active report having used some form of contraception at some point in their lives. As a result, birth control is championed as a groundbreaking innovation that provides women with reproductive freedom to prevent pregnancy or manage period symptoms. But with the Supreme Court's recent decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, the landscape for reproductive liberties has shifted….

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Facing a Breast Cancer Diagnosis? This Glossary May Be Helpful

My name is Sarah Zimmerman, PA-C and I am a freelance writer and Physician Assistant. I recently started working in a breast center, and The SEAM editors have kindly asked me to write a regular column on all things breast cancer… The fact is, breast cancer is very complicated, and it’s easy to feel lost in the myriad diagnoses, tests, and treatment options. So often, when we’re given a cancer diagnosis, all we hear are alarm bells going off in our heads, and the specific and foreign medical jargon is too much. I’m here to try to make it all clearer….

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How to Order Healthily at Restaurants

Contrary to what some of my clients might assume, I love going out to eat at restaurants! I love the atmosphere, the wide variety of foods on the menu, the memories made with loved ones, and the convenience of not having to cook at home. But as we all know, restaurant meals are often significantly less healthy than those prepared in your own kitchen. Restaurant foods typically have more salt, oil, saturated fat, sugar, and calories than homemade versions of the same foods. And it’s not only the nutrient content of restaurant food that’s a concern. Most restaurants serve genetically modified foods among other not-so-ideal factors…

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How I Turned Back the Clock on Aging at 60

I have been searching for vibrant health, inner peace, and self-love for all of my adult life. As a shorthand, let’s call this magical trifecta “wellness.” And I can tell you, firsthand, that this kind of wellness is not easy to achieve. It is certainly not something that ever came naturally to me. I do not say this to discourage anyone from seeking it out – in fact, I am here to tell you quite the opposite…

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The Potent Powers of Bitter Greens

Imagine if you could take one supplement that would: Help cleanse your liver, purify your blood, improve your digestion, reduce acid reflux, bloating, and gas, eliminate acne, lower high blood pressure, and prevent anemia. This miracle supplement exists, and it’s at your local grocery. Bitter greens have a distinct and somewhat sharp flavor that may take some getting used to, but the health benefits are worth it…

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