Posts in Lifestyle
Empowering Wellness through Movement with Nadia Sehweil of BodyTree Studio, Abu Dhabi

Embark on a journey of holistic wellness with Nadia Sehweil, co-founder of Bodytree Studio, on this transformative episode of The SEAM Podcast. Bodytree Studio, the first of its kind in Abu Dhabi, stands as a holistic women's wellness space, fostering well-being through comprehensive mind-body practices. Join us as Nadia shares her journey of creating a supportive community space that offers yoga, pilates, and nourishing meals for women….

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Vibrant Aging: Here’s What Made Me Healthier After 60

Throughout my adult life, I pursued the search for vitality and tranquility in every area of my well-being. And I’m proud to say that, in my 60s, I have found all that and more. The holistic modalities I have implemented into my everyday routines have helped me reverse the aging clock, maintain my youthful glow and spirit, and create a platform to share my profound experiences with others with similar wellness goals….

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The Best Foods to Optimize Hormone Balance in Pre, Peri, and Post-Menopause

Balancing hormones can be a tricky task, especially for those assigned female at birth who experience monthly hormonal cycles that impact their mood, thoughts, and physical well-being. In this article, we'll explore how to use food to balance hormones and optimize our health during the different phases of the hormonal cycle, providing tips and insight into how to live a more balanced life…

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Insights into Cancer, Sexual Health, and Intimacy: Survivors and Experts Speak Up

One aspect of cancer that is seldom discussed is how it affects our sexual health and relationships. A cancer diagnosis is always life-altering, but specifically, with breast and ovarian cancers, the surgical alternation of reproductive organs and hormonal interventions can have a significant impact on how our bodies and minds handle intimacy….

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8 Sneaky Foods That May Be Causing Inflammation

Inflammation is one of those trigger words that you probably automatically associate with “bad.” But when injuries and foreign invaders are present in your body, inflammatory processes act as a defense mechanism to protect and heal you. So, in this sense, you want inflammation to occur! However, you can have “too much of a good thing,” and this idea definitely applies to inflammation….

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Finding Balance with Nutritionist Elissa Goodman

Like many of us, Elissa Goodman began her career working long hours at a stressful job fueled by an excess of caffeine. Then her world was turned upside down. She felt a lump, and, after several specialists visits, a doctor diagnosed Elissa with early-stage Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She was only 32. As a component of her long path of healing, Elissa turned to holistic nutrition and nourishment in concert with medical treatment. That was more than twenty years ago…

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The Role Stress Plays in Aging

Stress is a normal part of life that we all deal with – and can even be a good thing. Stress can lead to true transformation, motivating us to make change. Short-term stress, that is. Long-term, chronic stress, however, is the kind of stress we need to watch out for and manage – because it is chronic, long-term stress that affects us mentally and physically – especially in accelerating the aging process, both inwardly and outwardly….

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Why Your Micros are Just as Important as Your Macros

Many of my clients ask me questions about macronutrients. How much protein to eat, what sources of fat are best, or the most popular: “How should I calculate my macro ratio?” All good questions! My answer? It depends—but the first thing to remember is this: micronutrients are an equally (or arguably more) important part of your health equation. And they’re often forgotten….

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10 Healthy Foods to Incorporate into your Diet Now According to a Holistic Nutritionist

If we were stranded on a desert island and only had access to ten essential foods to optimize our wellness, what would they be? Which foods would not only keep us alive but also help us avoid illness and make it easier to recover from injury, ensuring that we’re thriving when the rescue boat arrives? We asked veteran dietician, Lana Scales, MS, RD, CNSC, ACSM, EP-C to help us curate a list of the foods that make us thrive, whether we’re stuck on an island or, say, trying to stay healthy through a global pandemic….

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How to Detox from Common Toxins (& Why it’s Important!)

Are you experiencing bloating, weight loss resistance, and anxiety? It may be time to detox your body. Almost every summer and around the holidays, when I’m traveling a lot and eating more treats than usual, I notice my muscles are achy, and my brain is foggy. These signs are always reasonable indications that it’s time to detox from common toxins that surround us every day…

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Essential Gifts for the Essential Workers In Your Life

Anyone who provides critical services to the public has a tough job. The hours are long and the work, grueling. The last few years, the pandemic has required essential workers to risk their mental and physical health to care for us in extreme circumstances, and they are stretched beyond their limits. We’ve interviewed some essential workers in education and healthcare to get a peek at their Santa’s wish lists this year…

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A Pandemic Guide to Surviving the Holidays

Whether or not to gather with family over the holidays has never been a harder decision. Not only do we have to navigate the usual stressful family dynamics, but for these past two seasons, we’ve had to worry that we might be passing more than gravy and mashed potatoes over the dinner table. COVID-19 has dominated our thoughts, fears, and newsfeeds since March 2020, making it even more complicated to celebrate the holidays….

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Former CEO & President of Planned Parenthood Gloria Feldt Teaches Women How to Take Back Their Power and Their Health

We sat down with the inspiring Gloria Feldt, the Former CEO and President of Planned Parenthood, to discuss the world of working women, burnout, empowerment, and her new book "INTENTIONING: Sex, Power, Pandemics, & How Women Will Take the Lead for (Everyone’s) Good.” In addition to her extensive resume in women’s health, Gloria is also the co-founder of Take The Lead, a nonprofit initiative with a goal to propel women to leadership parity by 2025. Take a listen.

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How Jenny Galluzzo and The Second Shift Are Transforming the Way Women Work

Jenny Galluzzo is an agent for change. Her company, The Second Shift, empowers women through work — by connecting them with meaningful, ethical, and diverse jobs.. The company tagline “making work, work for women” is an apt one because it is precisely what Jenny is all about: cultivating careers while advocating for equality in the workplace. In this interview, this inspiring entrepreneur sits down with SEAM founder Amy Cohen Epstein to discuss her experience cultivating this important network as well as her previous life as a journalist.

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Jenna Grosfeld on Finding Creativity in Unexpected Places

Jenna Grosfeld is the founder and creative iconoclast behind Jenna Blake, a bespoke jewelry design studio based in California. She has been making jewelry for 15 years, creating modernized renditions of classic designs which reference the past while bringing them into the 21st century. Here she is on creativity, entrepreneurship, and more — exclusively for The Seam

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Fashion, Founders, Life, Lifestyle