Posts in Nutrition
8 Common Herbal Supplement & Medication Interactions to Look Out For

Over the last several years, many people have turned to herbal medicine to boost their immune systems, treat various diseases, and restore their overall health and well-being – me being one of them. In 2022 alone, the global herbal medicine market was valued at 166 billion dollars, and it is expected to reach 348 billion dollars by 2029! This shift towards natural herbal remedies is largely due to the perception that herbal supplements are more effective and safer than their synthetic counterparts….

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Vibrant Aging: Here’s What Made Me Healthier After 60

Throughout my adult life, I pursued the search for vitality and tranquility in every area of my well-being. And I’m proud to say that, in my 60s, I have found all that and more. The holistic modalities I have implemented into my everyday routines have helped me reverse the aging clock, maintain my youthful glow and spirit, and create a platform to share my profound experiences with others with similar wellness goals….

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Transparency and Traceable Science with the Revolutionary Founder of Ritual, Katerina Schneider

Meet the visionary mind behind Ritual, a health and technology company that is reshaping the supplement industry through traceable science and sourcing. In this exclusive interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Katerina Schneider, a trailblazer committed to providing women with absolute transparency and better health through better ingredients….

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My Top Holistic Methods for Treating Seasonal Allergies

I love the changing of seasons. Each seasonal onset symbolizes a new theme, such as renewal or growth, that inspires me to prioritize my health. But despite my excitement for the seasonal changes, one pesky element routinely disrupts my invigoration: seasonal allergies. Unfortunately, seasonal allergies are extremely common, affecting approximately 81 million Americans…

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Finding Balance with Nutritionist Elissa Goodman

Like many of us, Elissa Goodman began her career working long hours at a stressful job fueled by an excess of caffeine. Then her world was turned upside down. She felt a lump, and, after several specialists visits, a doctor diagnosed Elissa with early-stage Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She was only 32. As a component of her long path of healing, Elissa turned to holistic nutrition and nourishment in concert with medical treatment. That was more than twenty years ago…

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The Effects of Aging on Bone Health

We all notice small changes as we age. Smile lines, crow’s feet, maybe a few (or many) gray hairs. Marks of wisdom, I like to say! Another aspect of physical aging you might notice is changes in bone and joint health. These changes can be minor—like experiencing less mobility or less flexibility in your elbows and knees. Maybe you experience more pain and inflammation after a particularly rigorous hike….

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5 Ways to Boost Circulation (That You’ll Actually Enjoy!)

Improving your circulation may not be at the top of your health goals this year, but it’s integral to your well-being, and I say it deserves a spot!

You may know that blood circulation is vital for optimal blood pressure. But did you know it also plays a starring role in detoxification, energy levels, and even your body’s ability to fight off disease? It’s true….

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A Journey of Healing, Nourishing Ourselves and Nurturing Our World

I have always been conscious of my own healing journey, dealing with severe health challenges in childhood, mainly affecting the lungs. As a sick child left largely to her own devices, I was able to master the ability to drop into deep meditative states and eventually, instead of struggling for breath, become quiet and peaceful. Not being able to join in with many games and sports, particularly in the cold, English winters, gave me the opportunity to sit on the sidelines and observe, which is something that I attribute now to my ability to meditate and ask big-picture questions…

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How to Order Healthily at Restaurants

Contrary to what some of my clients might assume, I love going out to eat at restaurants! I love the atmosphere, the wide variety of foods on the menu, the memories made with loved ones, and the convenience of not having to cook at home. But as we all know, restaurant meals are often significantly less healthy than those prepared in your own kitchen. Restaurant foods typically have more salt, oil, saturated fat, sugar, and calories than homemade versions of the same foods. And it’s not only the nutrient content of restaurant food that’s a concern. Most restaurants serve genetically modified foods among other not-so-ideal factors…

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How to Detox from Common Toxins (& Why it’s Important!)

Are you experiencing bloating, weight loss resistance, and anxiety? It may be time to detox your body. Almost every summer and around the holidays, when I’m traveling a lot and eating more treats than usual, I notice my muscles are achy, and my brain is foggy. These signs are always reasonable indications that it’s time to detox from common toxins that surround us every day…

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Normal vs. Optimal Range: Interpreting Your Blood Work

Tell me if this sounds familiar: you go to the doctor with a specific complaint. They order blood work; everything comes back normal. The doctor sends you on your way. You’re relieved your results came back “normal,” but you don’t exactly feel “normal.” You still suspect something is off but don’t know where to turn….

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