Why Your Micros are Just as Important as Your Macros

Many of my clients ask me questions about macronutrients. How much protein to eat, what sources of fat are best, or the most popular: “How should I calculate my macro ratio?” All good questions! My answer? It depends—but the first thing to remember is this: micronutrients are an equally (or arguably more) important part of your health equation. And they’re often forgotten….

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The Talk Part II: Thriving Through Menopause

Menopause expert, Dr. Amy Heeringa, wishes it were common practice to have a second version of “The Talk” when women hit their forties. We all know “The Talk” we get around fifth grade: blood, body hair, and birth control. But what about those changes later in life? Ideally all women would have a second “Talk” around the age of forty, says Heeringa. A candid seminar, if you will, on lube, libido, and love in later life….

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“We don’t need ANOTHER diet:” 10 Techniques to Help You Eat Healthy in the New Year

Many of us plan to eat healthy in the New Year, but what does eating healthy really mean? Is it consuming specific foods in specific quantities? Eating only at certain times of day or in accordance with specific rules? Does it involve pleasure? Is the goal of healthy eating a healthy body? Healthy mind? What does that look like….

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10 Healthy Foods to Incorporate into your Diet Now According to a Holistic Nutritionist

If we were stranded on a desert island and only had access to ten essential foods to optimize our wellness, what would they be? Which foods would not only keep us alive but also help us avoid illness and make it easier to recover from injury, ensuring that we’re thriving when the rescue boat arrives? We asked veteran dietician, Lana Scales, MS, RD, CNSC, ACSM, EP-C to help us curate a list of the foods that make us thrive, whether we’re stuck on an island or, say, trying to stay healthy through a global pandemic….

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Protein: Are You Consuming Enough?

Have you noticed that protein is one of the more divided nutrition topics as of late? Everyone has their own opinion on how much, when, and what kind of protein you should be eating. Don’t get me wrong—I always encourage my clients to take charge of their health and do what feels right for their bodies. But I also know how confusing all the contradicting information can be. Here’s the truth: there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to protein intake. How much your body needs ultimately depends on your stage of life, current exercise level, state of health, and more….

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Five Birth Control Myths Debunked

There are so many myths and inaccuracies when it comes to contraception. Even though various methods are available and 72 million women in the United States use birth control, rumors about their safety and effectiveness persist. If you are hoping to delay pregnancy for a few more years or avoid it altogether, you should understand all of your choices. Unfortunately, this can be a little more than challenging when separating fact from fiction. So, let's set the record straight. Here are some common birth control myths and the truth behind them….

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Have You Ever Wondered About Sarcomas? Meet: Dr. Brittany Siontis, Sarcoma Medical Oncologist at The Mayo Clinic

Dr. Brittany L. Siontis is a medical oncologist with a specialty interest in sarcomas. What are sarcomas? Sarcomas are a rare, insidious, and little-understood cancer that can affect adults and children alike. Often misdiagnosed, sarcomas can begin either in the bones or in the soft tissue. For that reason, they are very difficult to catch in their early stages. Dr Siontis currently serves as the Principal Investigator of several active clinical trials at Mayo Clinic through the Sarcoma Medical Oncology Group and works closely with the non-profit Rein in Sarcoma, a resource for patients and families touched by this disease….

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How to Detox from Common Toxins (& Why it’s Important!)

Are you experiencing bloating, weight loss resistance, and anxiety? It may be time to detox your body. Almost every summer and around the holidays, when I’m traveling a lot and eating more treats than usual, I notice my muscles are achy, and my brain is foggy. These signs are always reasonable indications that it’s time to detox from common toxins that surround us every day…

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10 Healthy Food Swaps to Help Revamp Your Diet

Whether this sparkling time of year is your long-awaited favorite, or the endless holiday parties overwhelm you a bit (if we’re being honest, we’re all probably somewhere in the middle!), I think we can all agree that indulgent, decadent meals have been had. For those of us who have struggled with food sensitivities, intolerances, allergies, or fears, mealtime over the past few months may have been a bit of a struggle….

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Comprehensive Guide to Urinary Tract Infections

Frequent bathroom runs, the constant urge to go, or that burning feeling when you pee. Ugh! These could all be signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), which women commonly experience. Whether this is all new to you or you've had your share of infections, here is a guide to help you make sense of urinary tract infections…

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Essential Gifts for the Essential Workers In Your Life

Anyone who provides critical services to the public has a tough job. The hours are long and the work, grueling. The last few years, the pandemic has required essential workers to risk their mental and physical health to care for us in extreme circumstances, and they are stretched beyond their limits. We’ve interviewed some essential workers in education and healthcare to get a peek at their Santa’s wish lists this year…

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Normal vs. Optimal Range: Interpreting Your Blood Work

Tell me if this sounds familiar: you go to the doctor with a specific complaint. They order blood work; everything comes back normal. The doctor sends you on your way. You’re relieved your results came back “normal,” but you don’t exactly feel “normal.” You still suspect something is off but don’t know where to turn….

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A Pandemic Guide to Surviving the Holidays

Whether or not to gather with family over the holidays has never been a harder decision. Not only do we have to navigate the usual stressful family dynamics, but for these past two seasons, we’ve had to worry that we might be passing more than gravy and mashed potatoes over the dinner table. COVID-19 has dominated our thoughts, fears, and newsfeeds since March 2020, making it even more complicated to celebrate the holidays….

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Former CEO & President of Planned Parenthood Gloria Feldt Teaches Women How to Take Back Their Power and Their Health

We sat down with the inspiring Gloria Feldt, the Former CEO and President of Planned Parenthood, to discuss the world of working women, burnout, empowerment, and her new book "INTENTIONING: Sex, Power, Pandemics, & How Women Will Take the Lead for (Everyone’s) Good.” In addition to her extensive resume in women’s health, Gloria is also the co-founder of Take The Lead, a nonprofit initiative with a goal to propel women to leadership parity by 2025. Take a listen.

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