Posts in Medicine-Science
How to Advocate for Yourself when You Feel Unheard: The Truth about Medical Gaslighting

You trust your healthcare provider to help with your medical concerns. You rely on their experience and expertise to manage your symptoms. And you expect them to offer answers to your questions. But what happens when your questions go unanswered? Or worse, your provider dismisses your symptoms or tells you that you are fine — but you know something is wrong…

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Five Birth Control Myths Debunked

There are so many myths and inaccuracies when it comes to contraception. Even though various methods are available and 72 million women in the United States use birth control, rumors about their safety and effectiveness persist. If you are hoping to delay pregnancy for a few more years or avoid it altogether, you should understand all of your choices. Unfortunately, this can be a little more than challenging when separating fact from fiction. So, let's set the record straight. Here are some common birth control myths and the truth behind them….

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Have You Ever Wondered About Sarcomas? Meet: Dr. Brittany Siontis, Sarcoma Medical Oncologist at The Mayo Clinic

Dr. Brittany L. Siontis is a medical oncologist with a specialty interest in sarcomas. What are sarcomas? Sarcomas are a rare, insidious, and little-understood cancer that can affect adults and children alike. Often misdiagnosed, sarcomas can begin either in the bones or in the soft tissue. For that reason, they are very difficult to catch in their early stages. Dr Siontis currently serves as the Principal Investigator of several active clinical trials at Mayo Clinic through the Sarcoma Medical Oncology Group and works closely with the non-profit Rein in Sarcoma, a resource for patients and families touched by this disease….

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Comprehensive Guide to Urinary Tract Infections

Frequent bathroom runs, the constant urge to go, or that burning feeling when you pee. Ugh! These could all be signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), which women commonly experience. Whether this is all new to you or you've had your share of infections, here is a guide to help you make sense of urinary tract infections…

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Normal vs. Optimal Range: Interpreting Your Blood Work

Tell me if this sounds familiar: you go to the doctor with a specific complaint. They order blood work; everything comes back normal. The doctor sends you on your way. You’re relieved your results came back “normal,” but you don’t exactly feel “normal.” You still suspect something is off but don’t know where to turn….

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Meet One of the Most Important People in America Right Now: FDA Director of Generic Drug Policy, Maryll W. Toufanian

As the Director of the Office of Generic Drug Policy (OGDP) for the FDA (which includes the Division of Policy Development and the Division of Legal and Regulatory Support) Maryll W. Toufanian has her fingers on the pulse of pharmaceuticals and their development in the United States. We had the honor of sitting down with Maryll to discuss the state of the world and her experience at the FDA.

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Dr. Julia Smith, Clinical Director of the Cancer Screening Program at NYU Langone, on Genetic Testing & Democratizing Access

Dr Julia Smith is an icon in the world of women’s cancer prevention and gynecologic oncology. Four decades ago, she was the first woman in the NYU MD PhD program, ever. Today, she is the Clinical Director of the Cancer Screening and Prevention Program at the NYU Isaac and Laura Perlmutter Cancer Institute. In this very special interview, Dr. Julia Smith discusses the shifting landscape of ovarian cancer prevention and the tremendous impact of genetic research in the field…

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Dr. Lynda Roman, Dir. of Gynecologic Oncology at USC, Shares Her Insights on Ovarian Cancer Research & More

Dr. Lynda Roman is the busiest woman we know. Right now she serves as the Director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Director of Research, and the Fellowship Program Director at USC. We are honored to have Dr. Roman share her brilliance with us in an exclusive interview delving into the state of the world and women's cancers…

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