After weeks of intense abdominal pain and a visit to the ER in late July 2003 that included CT scans, a sonogram and abdominal x-rays, but no diagnosis, Anna visited a gynecologic oncologist who suggested surgery. Due to the results of a laparoscopy, which revealed Stage III, Grade B ovarian cancer, Anna’s left ovary and both fallopian tubes were removed.
Anna began 6 months of an aggressive treatment, Taxotere and Paraplatin. After a complete hysterectomy in January 2004, doctors found no trace of cancer. But, soon the sharp abdominal pains returned and Anna began treatment with Doxil. Very quickly, intestinal complications developed and the cancer spread to her liver. Less than 1-1/2 years after her initial diagnosis, Anna passed away.
Originally from S. Agata, Italy, near Sorrento, Anna arrived in the D.C. area at 35, where she met her husband of 30 years, Umberto, and had two daughters, Giovanna and Agnese. A talented cook and baker, Anna and her husband opened a series of family restaurants where she took pride in creating homemade pastas, sauces, bread and pastries. A hardworking woman, devoted entirely to her family and work, she thought of others first, rarely rewarding herself. She gracefully taught her daughters about values, respect, determination and strength.
Anna leaves behind a husband, two daughters, two grandsons, four brothers, four sisters and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. We admire her unselfishness and giving nature and will always remember her as a loving and caring woman.
Anna’s Fund supports The Lynne Cohen Cancer Screening & Prevention Clinic at Bellevue Hospital Center, NYU Cancer Institute, a program for uninsured, underserved minority women from communities that have traditionally had fewer medical services available.